“The Resurrection” as Told by Martha Nored

“The Resurrection” as Told by Martha Nored Quietness descended over our group like a thick fog in spring.  Laden with spices and heavy hearts, each of us retreated to our own private thoughts as we neared the tomb. It was a time for reflection—Jesus!  What did all of this mean? Something was new this year.  …

Commentary: “Unveiling Easter: Rediscovering the True Essence Beyond Rituals and Traditions”

 “Unveiling Easter: Rediscovering the True Essence Beyond Rituals and Traditions” Have we lost the real meaning of the celebration of Easter? Yes, I know Easter is not a commanded celebration in the Bible. There is evidence, however, that the early Christians celebrated the Lord’s Supper and the Resurrection on the first day of the week—and …

Essay:“Unlocking the Deeper Meaning of Easter (1 page): “Discovering Hope, Forgiveness, and Purpose in the Resurrection”

“Discovering Hope, Forgiveness, and Purpose in the Resurrection” By Lynn S. Nored March 24, 2024   Do you know the true meaning of “Easter?”  What does the Resurrection really mean?  Is it just the day to celebrate the spring equinox with new life with eggs and flowers as in the ancient origin of Easter?  During …