Poem: Truth to Power

Truth to Power Christians should confront Sin within the church.— Holy word requires— Duty MUST not shirk!   When it comes to power— Different duties defined. Some Christians rise up— Actively inclined!   We are all citizens–  God, country—Mankind. God created everything— Power, government—Time!   Struggles are many— Dark evil exists. With rulers—folks in power …

Commentary: Misconceptions About the Kingdom, Power, and Politics

Misconceptions About the Kingdom, Power, and Politics Where is the Kingdom of God?  Is it just that place in “heaven where God reigns? First, the Kingdom of Heaven ( Matthew’s term) or the Kingdom of God is where God rules. Does Christ and God have any rule on earth? Of course they do or else …

Essay: “Part 6: A Most Difficult Question—Should Christians Speak Truth to Power?”

“Part 6:  A Most Difficult Question—Should Christians Speak Truth to Power?”     In previous essays it was shown that the individual Christian and Christian leaders have God-given commands to confront all moral defiance within their ranks.  This does not mean that Christians have to be “perfect.,” but when sin is overt and continuous it …