Be Careful of the Narrative You Chose to Believe

We all listen to narratives everyday.  Narratives are simply “stories”.  These stories can be simply things you tell others about what’s happening to you.  Or they can be the “narratives” you hear on TV — each one is told from a particular perspective.  Just listen to different cable networks or social media outlets and you …

Short Essay: Is the Great Commission About Evangelism or “Making Disciples?”

Mar. 21, 2013   The passage known as the great commission states:    Matt: 19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, …

Inspirational Poem: On the Whole

  Martha Nored starting writing poems in about 1969. Since then she has written over 1700 poems–historical both family and country, religious, inspirational, educational, cultural, personal to individuals.  She has been a comfort and inspiration to many. Enjoy– and encourage your friends to subscribe to the site.  Their lives will be enriched.

What is Biblical Leadership

What is Biblical Leadership? Mar. 3, 2011 One of the most common complaints within congregations is a “lack of leadership”.  This observation takes several forms: 1) the eldership acts as a board of directors 2) the eldership should be “Shepherds” 3) there is no vision 4) the focus of the “leadership” is on material things …