Commentary: President’s Day and Honor

Commentary: President’s Day and Honor Today is President’s Day.  This day was initially set aside to honor the birthday of George Washington.  It now to also honor all presidents of the United States.  How should Christians view this day?  We are commanded ( not asked to but commanded) to give honor to whom honor is …

Essay (1 page): Freedom vs. Liberty

Essay (1 page): Freedom vs. Liberty By Lynn S. Nored Feb. 19, 2024   “Give me liberty or give me death!” is a quotation  Patrick Henry  made in a speech  at the Second Virginia Convention  on March 23, 1775, at the St. John’s Church  in Richmond, Virginia.[i]  Why did he not say “Give me freedom …

Commentary: Sifting Through the News

Shifting Through the News Confused? What talking head do you believe? What  preacher do you believe? Does it really matter who you believe?  Or Maybe you think it is better not to believe anyone or anything? You say, I’ll create my own belief and version of what is really true.  In fact, you say the …

Essay: What is Truth?

What is Truth? Feb. 11, 2023   What is truth? This is the famous question Pilate retorted at Christ’s trial.  Indeed, there are many competing religious narratives even in the U.S. We receive reports on current events and investigative reports every day.  Social media, mainstream media, and alternate outlets all have their own narratives. No …

Commentary: Ask “Why” and Seek the Truth

Ask “Why” and Seek the Truth Why don’t we ask “why” anymore.   In secular matters and in religious matters we accept the status quo.  Rarely is the prevailing narratives challenged.  Not asking “why” can lead to fatal consequences.  My wife and I both have cancer.  If you don’t question the authority figures you can die.  …

One Page Essay: “Why”

Why? Feb. 5, 2023   If you have or had children, do you remember the curiosity they had?  Questions, questions, endless questions.   Even if you gave an answer, the question came back, “Why?” And then after a while, your answer  was: “Because I said so” or “That’s just the way it is.”  The “why” questions …

Commentary: The Arrogance of Position and Money/The Naive Response

The Arrogance of Position, Intelligence, and Money: The Populace Response Two phenomenon amaze me:  The Hubris  and arrogance of the elites to dictate how others are to live and the timid response and acceptance of the populace.  This is nothing new in the world. Most ruling authorities ( whether religious, economic, or political) seek to …

Essay: Hubris and Today’s Culture

Hubris and Today’s Culture Jan. 25, 2023   Hubris: an extreme and unreasonable feeling of pride and confidence in yourself: [i] In simple terms this means you think you can make decisions for everyone as you know better than others.  This seems to be a pervasive disease of our time.  Recently the 2024 Devos conference …

Commentary: Do You Really Know What Servant Leadership Is?

Do You Really Know What Servant Leadership Is? Servant Leadership!  We hear this term all the time, especially when selecting elders and deacon.  Would it surprise you to know the term is not found in the bible.  Certainly “servant” is and not just translated “deacon” either.  But leadership and servant are not found together though …

Essay: Servant Leadership–What is it Really?

Servant Leadership–What is it Really? Jan. 16, 2024   We often hear that leaders in the church must be “servant leaders.”  You do not find this term explicitly stated in the New Testament.  You find the term for servant — diakonos: a servant, minister; Greek διάκονος . [i] This  term was used to describe various …