Commentary: Leadership, Planning, and Vision

Many congregations and organizations by this point in time have formulated new goals and plans for the 2024 New Year. Some do this with a formal document known as a strategic plan.  Most have  posted budgets allocating funds towards specific areas for the year. Growing congregations typically appoint new deacons to implement functional areas of …

Commentary: Why Do We Do What We Do?

Why Do We Do What We Do? Why do we do what we do?  Do you really think and examine your thoughts  and actions? Are they just done automatically without thinking about why you are doing what your are doing?  Are they just habits or traditions you  repeat? Both the essay and Martha’s poem are …

Essay: Are We Conditioned to Not Think?

Are We Conditioned to Not Think? Jan. 4, 2023   Are we conditioned to not think?  By thinking I mean the action of analyzing facts to form a judgment for action or opinion.  This is sometimes called critical thinking—an objective of university education.  I submit that for much of our actions we do not think …

Commentary: Goal Setting

Goal Setting Now is the time  many decide to set New Year’s resolutions.   What are the resolutions most will set in 2024? The following poll indicates only 12% will focus on spiritual matters.  As far as relationship go 15% focus on family and 13% on friends.  ( See below chart for more) This weeks essay …

Should a Christian Set Goals?

Should a Christian Set Goals? Should a Christian set Goals? If so, what kind should they be?  New Year’s resolutions are set by many, but more frequently never kept.  Why? There are  both biblical and personality traits behind the answers to both questions. The biblical reasons to set goals are based on the need for …

Commentary: Should We Celebrate Christmas

Should We Celebrate Christmas Should we celebrate Christmas? If so, why and if not why not? I was raised in a conservative Church of Christ were we certainly didn’t decorate anything in the church building that was Christmas.  If anything, sermons would touch on the fact that this is not something “authorized” in the bible.  …

Joy—and Birth of Christ

Joy—and Birth of Christ By Lynn S. Nored Dec. 2023   According to the latest General Social Survey[i] of the U.S. only 25% of Americans consider themselves “very happy.” Some Christians are sad, depressed, or bitter about life and what’s happening in today’s  world.   From the erosion of traditional moral values, challenging economic times to …

Commentary: Christmas Holidays– and Time for a Break

Commentary: Christmas Holidays– and Time for a Break Hello Everyone: This is the Christmas season– the time of joy, giving and time to take a break.  We hope you will be able to do just that–take a break and reflect on God’s blessings– and enjoy your family. Martha and I hope you have benefited from …

Commentary: Growing Old— Two Different Possible Results

Growing Old: Two Different Possible Results   Martha’s Poem this week is about the shrinking world that can occur when we age–“Older is Smaller.”  Some aspects of this is unavoidable–physical limitations that occur with age– or is it? As you age your world shrinks if you let it. So many give in and do not …

Essay: “Put Out to Pasture”

Put Out to Pasture Are you retired and over 65? Do you feel “put out to pasture”?  In your church, community,  or family, do you feel your experiences, wisdom, and skills are no longer wanted or needed?  You are not alone.   The “elderly” or seniors attain that designation at age 65 in the United …