Be Careful of the Narrative You Chose to Believe

View From the Front Porch Porch

We all listen to narratives everyday.  Narratives are simply “stories”.  These stories can be simply things you tell others about what’s happening to you.  Or they can be the “narratives” you hear on TV — each one is told from a particular perspective.  Just listen to different cable networks or social media outlets and you will quickly see the difference. Few are told from an impartial point of view –as this is almost impossible for most to do.  Though these narratives may influence you to some degree, they are not the most important ones.

There is another category of narrative called the meta-narrative. These narratives define a particular world-view or lens you view the world.  One such world-view is the Christian world-view.  Here the basis for you understanding the world, you beliefs, and your actions are guided by the Story of Redemption in the bible. Chose this one and you chose both the truth and chose well.  All others are inherently false.  The Great Deceiver started the alternative world-view in the Garden when he said God’s Word was not true–what the Deceiver say is true — the Great Lie.

Note most current narratives have as their backdrop either the Christian world-view or one that is deceptive. Use discernment as you listen to all media–mainstream and social about what you should believe.  Is what you hear being promoted in alignment with a Christian worldview? If not it is the same path to destruction the Devil wishes us to take.

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