Essay: The Sound of Freedom

The Sound of Freedom   Recently Martha and I went to see the movie “Sound of Freedom.”  “Sound of Freedom is a 2023 action film.  It tells the true story of Tim Ballard a former government agent who embarks on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia.[5] The plot centers around Ballard’s …

Essay: “Liberty or Chaos: Navigating the Evolution of Christian Worship in a Postmodern World”

“Liberty or Chaos: Navigating the Evolution of Christian Worship in a Postmodern World” “The world has changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.” This famous line from The Lord of …

Morality and the Public Square- Guiding Theological Principles: Conclusion

Morality and the Public Square- Guiding Theological Principles: Conclusion How Should a Christian go about advocated biblical moral principles in the public square? As previously defined the public square is any area or secular venues where a Christian might engage people or organizations.  This includes the political  processes in our democratic republic.  The Christian should …

Essay: Faith in Action: The Christians Role in Upholding Morality and Advocating for Reconciliation in the Public Square. Part 8

Faith in Action: The Christians Role in Upholding Morality and Advocating for Reconciliation in the Public Square. Part 8 Scripture places direct responsibility on the ruling powers to serve their citizens by promoting peace, justice and that which  is “good.”  There is a corresponding duty of the Christian to  obey the ruling authorities and support …

Essay: Unlocking the Divine Mandate: Exploring the Responsibilities of the Earthly Rulers: Part 7

Unlocking the Divine Mandate: Exploring the Responsibilities of the Earthly Rulers: Part 6 What are the responsibilities of the ruling earthly Powers?  First they are servants for good.  As servants of God, they  are empowered to execute “wrath upon the wrong doer.” They have a responsibility to “punish the wrong doer.”  They are to “govern.” …

Essay: Morality and the Public Square–to be Continued

Morality and the Public Square–to be Continued Hello Everyone! Martha and I are going to take about a month off.  This is high time for gardening and final cleanup for summer. In addition, we will be flying to California the last of the month and early May to pick up our granddaughter.  She is on …

Essay: “Part 6: A Most Difficult Question—Should Christians Speak Truth to Power?”

“Part 6:  A Most Difficult Question—Should Christians Speak Truth to Power?”     In previous essays it was shown that the individual Christian and Christian leaders have God-given commands to confront all moral defiance within their ranks.  This does not mean that Christians have to be “perfect.,” but when sin is overt and continuous it …

Essay (1Page): Unveiling Immorality: Christian’s Duty to Confront Evil Within their Fellowship

“Unveiling Immorality: Christian’s Duty to Confront Evil Within their Fellowship” Part Five A recent headline in Christianity Today loudly proclaimed: “United Methodists Lose 1,800 Churches in Split Over LGBT Stance”[i]  There is a growing trend for churches to embrace immorality rather than preach against it and discipline their members.   In 2014 fifty-four percent of all …