Essay: Are We Conditioned to Not Think?

Are We Conditioned to Not Think? Jan. 4, 2023   Are we conditioned to not think?  By thinking I mean the action of analyzing facts to form a judgment for action or opinion.  This is sometimes called critical thinking—an objective of university education.  I submit that for much of our actions we do not think …

Should a Christian Set Goals?

Should a Christian Set Goals? Should a Christian set Goals? If so, what kind should they be?  New Year’s resolutions are set by many, but more frequently never kept.  Why? There are  both biblical and personality traits behind the answers to both questions. The biblical reasons to set goals are based on the need for …

Joy—and Birth of Christ

Joy—and Birth of Christ By Lynn S. Nored Dec. 2023   According to the latest General Social Survey[i] of the U.S. only 25% of Americans consider themselves “very happy.” Some Christians are sad, depressed, or bitter about life and what’s happening in today’s  world.   From the erosion of traditional moral values, challenging economic times to …

Essay: “Put Out to Pasture”

Put Out to Pasture Are you retired and over 65? Do you feel “put out to pasture”?  In your church, community,  or family, do you feel your experiences, wisdom, and skills are no longer wanted or needed?  You are not alone.   The “elderly” or seniors attain that designation at age 65 in the United …

Essay: The Coming (and Current) Persecution

The Coming (and Current) Persecution June 2021-Revised Nov. 2023   June 7, 2023, was my 82nd birthday.  Though growing up without either electricity or running water until in the 8th grade, I have been privileged to have lived in an exceeding free and prosperous period in American history.  Though my generation escaped the deprivation of …

Essay: Do You Thank God for Your Blessings Each Day?

Do You Thank God for Your Blessings Each Day? Jan. 5, 2021-Revised Thanksgiving Week Nov. 20, 2023   Do you realize the blessings God has granted you in this life? Yes, I know. Most Christians know they are blessed by God. But do you really comprehend the beauty and complexity God has given you in …

What Should the Christian Response Be to Veteran’s Day and Patriotism?

What Should the Christian Response Be to Veteran’s Day and Patriotism? Nov. 11, 2023    Veterans Day (originally known as Armistice Day) is observed annually on November 11 in the United States for honoring military veterans of the United States Armed Forces. It began as Armistice Day marking the end of World War II. What …

What Christians Can Learn from Ginsburg and Scalia

What Christians Can Learn from Ginsburg and Scalia Sept. 20, 2020  How could two people with different and opposing worldviews be able to “get along” “Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at the age of 87 on Friday due to complications from cancer. Judge Ginsburg was the second woman appointed to the United States’ …

Essay:The Culture Wars vs the Christian Mission

The Culture Wars vs the Christian Mission Oct. 2020 Is the Christian mission to combat the culture wars? This essay will attempt to answer the aforementioned question. Entangled with the question is the mixing of secular ideologies with how we commonly view culture wars.  First, we must define the terms “culture” wars  and the Christian …

Essay: An Open Letter to My Grandkids

An Open Letter to My Grandkids An Open Letter to My Grandchildren By Lynn S. Nored Oct. 15, 2023   Recently Martha and I listened to part of a sermon series entitle “Pass It Own.”  This brought to mind just what I would wish you know about life that is important.  This essay is an …