Essay: Do You Know What Is Behind the Door?

Do You Know What is Behind the Door? Jan. 2021 Temple Grandin is an autistic woman. She is presently a Professor of Animal Husbandry at Colorado State University.  Prof. Grandin thinks in pictures. Through her mother’s and her own perseverance, she overcame the obstacles of autism.  Cattle feedlots and slaughterhouses though out the world use …

Essay: What Should Church Look Like?

What Should Church Look Like? Mid 2020—revised 9/22/2023. The title of this essay is itself a formal accusation of “Church” today.  The first definition of “church” in any dictionary is the building set aside for worship.  We betray our understanding with the phase “go to church.”  A second thought usually  comes to mind when asking …

Poems/Essays: Taking Time Off

Hello everyone: For those of you who read Martha’s Poems and my Essays, you may  have noticed none were posted last week.  We have had our two granddaughters here the last two weeks–James daughters.  All of our family will be here this weekend+.  We have a lot schedules in Sept.  So, we are suspending posting …

Essay: Do We Have the Wrong Understanding of “Church”?

Do We Have the Wrong Understanding of “Church”? Aug. 1, 2023   There is no question that those that believe in God and in Christianity are rapidly declining in the United States. Currently, about three-in-ten U.S. adults (29%) are religious “nones” – people who describe themselves as atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular.” [1]  For …

Essay: The Sound of Freedom

The Sound of Freedom   Recently Martha and I went to see the movie “Sound of Freedom.”  “Sound of Freedom is a 2023 action film.  It tells the true story of Tim Ballard a former government agent who embarks on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia. The plot centers around Ballard’s …

Essay: A “Mashup” of Christian Principles with Political Principles–but not a political essay

A “Mashup” of Christian Principles with Political Principles April 6, 2014 What is a Mashup discussion?  A mashup is a “mixture or fusion of disparate elements”– often used in music.  What can more disparate than Christianity and politics.  No.  This is not going to be  a political discussion, but instead it will  apply a talk I attended …

Essay: Do You Count Your Blessings Each Day?

Do You Count Your Blessings Each Day? Jan. 5, 2021   Do you realize the blessings God has granted you in this life? Yes, I know. Most Christians know they are blessed by God. But do you really comprehend the beauty and complexity God has given you in your body and in His world?  This …

Essay: The Danger of Personal Agenda’s –Even Christian Ones

The Danger of Personal Agenda’s- Even Christian Ones Written in 2014 Recently we attended the movie “God’s Not Dead:A Light in Darkness.” (  God is Not Dead– A Light in Darkness  ).  I would suggest the real problem and lesson from this movie may not be so obvious.  In this movie a church is situated on …

What Christian Can Learn About Different Opinions from Justice’s Scalia and Ginsburg

What Can Christians Learn About Disagreement from Justice’s Scalia and Ginsburg? Do you have Major Disagreements with your Christian Brothers? Or with your friends with obviously “wrong” political views? Take a Christian Lesson from these Justices!  In this Independence week, remember your religious “freedom” doesn’t entitle you to act any way you wish.  You have …

Essay (600 words): The Vanity of Human Wisdom

The Vanity of Human Wisdom Written in 2017 I recently completed a class on Ecclesiastes–one of my favorite books.  Of course, most are familiar with the refrain of “Vanity of Vanities” all is vanity.  However, this may not mean what you think at first.  Being in the winter of my life, the thought that all of …