Essay (only 500 words) Lessons About the Usefulness of Christianity

Aug. 14, 2014   Recently my wife and I were privileged to attend the Dedication Ceremony for the donation ceremony of Dr. Virgil Trout’s 16,000 volume library.  Dr. Trout has lectured in over one-third of our nation’s major universities on Christianity, ethics, and Science.  Dr. Trout was a well know Church of Christ minister. (See for …

Essay: The Siren Allure of Political Activism

Sept.27, 2013 Should Christians participate in the political process? Is there a danger is doing so?  Is there an obligation as a citizen to do so?  But isn’t a Christian’s citizenship in the Kingdom of God?  Isn’t is possible to conflate or confuse the mission of the church with the mission of the state? Serious …

Essay (45 sec read) Three Critical Questions

There are  three critical questions whose answers inform life’s decisions: 1)  What is God? 2) What is the Church? and 3) What is man?  The answer to these questions have direct implications on both your beliefs and actions.  In some cases answers have been accepted without examination and in others their implications have been ignored. …

Essay: Can the Church Have Unity in Diversity?

Sept 25, 2013   “Diversity” is a word charged with meaning in our world.  It usually provokes strong emotions from both proponents and antagonists.  In the secular world arguments for diversity rest upon two postulates: 1) Racial discrimination in the past necessitates positive inclusion of minority groups in decisions in order to “make up” for …

Essay (2 + pages) What is Spiritual Discipline?

April 10, 2013 Have you heard the terms “Spiritual Formation” or “Spiritual Discipline” and wandered what they really mean?  Perhaps Bible Classes are now called “Spiritual Formation” classes? Or the  preaches says we are about spiritual formation?  What is this anyway?   This essay is prompted by a paper entitled “Moving from Solitude to Ministry,” …

1Page Essay: Does the Avoidance of Risk in Our Society Affect Our Practice of Christianity?

Does the Avoidance of Risk in Our Society Affect Our Practice of Christianity? Mar.20, 2013 Have you noticed how much our current society likes to eliminate risk in all aspects of society?  Why do we have so much fear?  Is this healthy for Christians? Take a little walk-through olden times with me.  Growing up these …

1 Page Essay: Does Our Individualism Prevent Submitting to the Kingship of Christ?

Do you want to live under a King? A King who have absolute authority? One who can condemn you to death with no appeal? One whose rules for living you cannot change? One whose demand for allegiance is absolute?   In the United States “individualism” has historically been one of the foundations of society. ” John …

1 Page Essay: Can and Should the “Restoration Movement” Be Saved?

Mar. 19, 2013: The answer depends upon what one means by the Restoration movement. “The Restoration Movement (also known as the American Restoration Movement or the Stone-Campbell Movement) is a Christian movement that began on the American frontier during the Second Great Awakening of the early 19th century. The movement sought to restore the church …

Essay: The Three Great Gifts of God

April 20, 2014 What would you consider the three greatest gifts of God?   Of course, Christians would commonly go immediately to the gift of Christ — the Word becoming flesh. That is true, but perhaps some reflection would reveal a deeper understanding of just what this means.  I would propose three very specific gifts. …

Short Essay: Is the Great Commission About Evangelism or “Making Disciples?”

Mar. 21, 2013   The passage known as the great commission states:    Matt: 19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, …