What is Biblical Leadership

What is Biblical Leadership? Mar. 3, 2011 One of the most common complaints within congregations is a “lack of leadership”.  This observation takes several forms: 1) the eldership acts as a board of directors 2) the eldership should be “Shepherds” 3) there is no vision 4) the focus of the “leadership” is on material things …

The Case for Peace and Joy

The Case for Peace and Joyby Lynn S. NoredFeb. 24, 2023  It seems our world is in chaos. In our country we are experiencing seemingly unpresented problems. We are emerging from a world-wide pandemic.  “Vaccines” that were reportedly to be effective in keeping one from contracting COVID turned out to be false.  “Lock downs” that …

The Prison Christians Have Built

Christians have built their own self-imposed prison.  What is a prison? It is a place where the outside world is not available. It is a place where the leaders guard, feed, and direct the in-mates.  It is a place rarely visited by outsiders.  It is a place that is isolated from what is going on …