Commentary: Should We Celebrate Christmas

Should We Celebrate Christmas Should we celebrate Christmas? If so, why and if not why not? I was raised in a conservative Church of Christ were we certainly didn’t decorate anything in the church building that was Christmas.  If anything, sermons would touch on the fact that this is not something “authorized” in the bible.  …

Commentary: Christmas Holidays– and Time for a Break

Commentary: Christmas Holidays– and Time for a Break Hello Everyone: This is the Christmas season– the time of joy, giving and time to take a break.  We hope you will be able to do just that–take a break and reflect on God’s blessings– and enjoy your family. Martha and I hope you have benefited from …

Commentary: Growing Old— Two Different Possible Results

Growing Old: Two Different Possible Results   Martha’s Poem this week is about the shrinking world that can occur when we age–“Older is Smaller.”  Some aspects of this is unavoidable–physical limitations that occur with age– or is it? As you age your world shrinks if you let it. So many give in and do not …

Commentary: Jews Now. Christians Next?

Jews Now. Christians Next? One only has to listen to any news cast to hear hatred expressed to the Jews.  Is it going to be any different with bible believing Christians?  I am not talking about any political difference many may have about current events in Israel.  I am talking about persecution based upon race …

Commentary: Do You Realize How Blessed You Are?

Do You Realize How Blessed You Are? Martha’s Poem this week is entitled “Be Happy”.  Do you know that “happiness” is a choice?  You make  in the order of 35,000 decisions each day.  Be happy or not is one of them.  Martha gives some insight into being happy. Being thankful is certainly one of the …

Commentary: Our Country, Veterans Day and Patriotism

Veterans, Patriotism, and the Christian Response Martha’s poem today is on the American Dream.   My essay is on honoring veterans and the extend Christian can be patriotic.  The American Dream articulates the  aspirations of some many who desire to come to this country of freedom and liberty. It entails the sacrifices of those that gave …

Commentary: What Should Christians Do in the Current Climate?

What Should Christians Do in the Current Climate? There are protests everywhere condemning Jews. The news magazine Salon published an article saying Christians are a greater threat than terrorist.   History is replete with persecution of the Jewish people.  Paul in his epistles state Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs.  So….What should the attitude be …

Commentary: The Danger of Confusing Christian Mission

The Danger of Confusing the Christian Mission -Especially Today With the Hamas attack on Israel,  most were appalled at the barbaric atrocities performed on the Jewish people.  All Christians should be—when evil is inflicted on anyone or any people.  At the same time we see college students and even some high schools students leading protests …

Commentary: Have We Lost the Lessons of the Past?

Have We Lost the Lessons of the Past? We are well in the midst of the great forgetting. In our churches, young people do not know the old stories of the great men of God of old.  Those who havent been to church know even less about life itself. In our universities, the great thinkers …