Poems/Essays: Taking Time Off

Hello everyone: For those of you who read Martha’s Poems and my Essays, you may  have noticed none were posted last week.  We have had our two granddaughters here the last two weeks–James daughters.  All of our family will be here this weekend+.  We have a lot schedules in Sept.  So, we are suspending posting …

Commentary: Attention-Those that Receive Martha’s Poems and my Essays

Some of you (who actually read the monthly email containing one of Martha’s Poems and one of my Essays) may have noticed  there was no posting last Monday, Aug. 7.   We are taking some time off until after the Labor Day holidays. There is good reason for this: we have our two granddaughters ( James …

Commentary: The Emphasis We See Concerning “Church” in Media Discussions

I, like some of you subscribe to Facebook.  I usually use this to keep up with friends, to provide a link to our weekly blog postings, and to communicate cultural and religious content.  I subscribe to Discussion Groups related to the Churches of Christ.  The emphasis in nearly all of these sites ( some having …

Commentary: The Lessons of the “Sound of Freedom” Movie

The Lessons of the Sound of Freedom Movie Martha’s poem this week is on Action. My essay is about the movie “Sounds of Freedom”.  What these two have in common is the need for Christians to do more than be passive in our society.  Some times I think we in the church are more like …

Commentary: Are You Really Aware of God’s Blessings and Control?

Are You Really Aware of God’s Blessing and Control? Martha’s Poem today was on “Amazing Water.”  My essay is rather personal and is on counting your blessings. We take for granted God’s blessings every day because they seem so ordinary to use—until they are withheld.  Because we do intensive gardening, we are well aware of …

Commentary: Freedom or Liberty?

In this Independence Day week for the United States, you can certainly recall the famous cry: “Give me liberty or give me death!” Note, Patrick Henry did not say “freedom” but “liberty.” What is the difference?  Freedom is the unbridled or unconstrained ability to do anything you wish to do. Liberty is constrained by Christian …

Commentary: Have We Forgotten What Virtues Really Are?

In today’s worldview, each individual is taught he can formulate his own morality.  That means he can determine for himself what virtue is and what vice is. The Christian worldview is much different.  In the Christian worldview, Truth, and thus virtues and vices are revealed to us by God. Thus, virtues are: Love, joy, peace, …

Commentary: Wisdom in A Fallen World

“The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.” So states the Qoheleth(Hebrew for Preacher).  Where is this to be found today?  Out culture has abandoned the wisdom of both the centuries of learning and the moral teachings of the God. Instead, each person is thought to be able …

Commentary:Our 60th Wedding Anniversary: June 3

Reflections On Our 60th Wedding Anniversary- June 3rd. On June 3rd we celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary with a quiet dinner in a secluded compartment of Rick’s Chop house ( selected by Rick, –the owner).  As we reflected on our life together, we both came up with the same “most memorable moments.” It was the …