Comments: Think on these things

When I was growing up one could go into a book store and it would be filled with books on positive motivation and thinking. This continued into the 70’s and 80’s.  Names you never hear today were prominent: Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, Zig Zigler, and many others.  They filled auditoriums with …

Commentary: What is a Christian to Do in Our Midst of Turmoil?

What is a Christian to do to deal with our chaotic world? Worry? Not according to Christ. So what?  Has your mind been transformed?  If it has you have a Christian worldview.  Your focus is on things that are eternal–love of God, family, friends, and yes even of “neighbors”.  I once was given a piece …

Commentary: Appreciate Your Sacrificial Mothers

Stella Mae Nored Wille Mae Coffman Shown above are my “two” Mothers.  Many of you were fortunate to have one Mother as you were growing up.  I was fortunate to have two.  You see my Mother, Stella Nored, died of Tuberculosis when I was two and she was 24. At that time, her  parents had …

Commentary: What is the duty of Christians in Civil Society?

How should Christians respond to the growing degradation of morality in our society? What should the response be to the teaching of sexual practices to our school children?  Should Christians actively participate in political activities?  What do you propose?  Increasing these are pressing questions for Christians to answer. Augustine postulated these questions in his monumental …

Commentary: Do you call out evil?

Do You Call Out Evil? Do you identify and call out evil when it is right before your eyes?  Is it easier to ignore what is being promoted than to take a stand?  Or, are our actions hampered by the misunderstanding ofwhat loving our neighbor means in practice? In the pre-modern Western world, the culture …

Commentary: Prominent Vices Today

Prominent Vices Today: The source of the folly in our society. .Want to know the source of the problems you see all around you?  What do you see exhibited in the media and promoted each day?  Vices are  result of abandoning God and substituting one’s on view of what is moral. A summary listing of …

Be Careful of the Narrative You Chose to Believe

We all listen to narratives everyday.  Narratives are simply “stories”.  These stories can be simply things you tell others about what’s happening to you.  Or they can be the “narratives” you hear on TV — each one is told from a particular perspective.  Just listen to different cable networks or social media outlets and you …

Is Life Better Than the 40’s or 50’s?

Is Today Better Than the 40’s or 50’s? Is life better than say the 40’s or 50’s? We warmed by a wood stove whose wood was cut by an ax and crosscut saw. Water was from a bucket in a well. The “outhouse” was the bathroom with the Sears catalog as paper. We went to …