Resurrection Story By Martha Nored

RESURRECTION Quietness descended over our group like a thick fog in spring.  Laden with spices and heavy hearts, each of us retreated to our own private thoughts as we neared the tomb. It was a time for reflection—Jesus!  What did all of this mean? Something was new this year.  At the Passover feast Jesus used …

Inspirational Poem: On the Whole

  Martha Nored starting writing poems in about 1969. Since then she has written over 1700 poems–historical both family and country, religious, inspirational, educational, cultural, personal to individuals.  She has been a comfort and inspiration to many. Enjoy– and encourage your friends to subscribe to the site.  Their lives will be enriched.


Note: We have decided that Martha is going to select a poem every week to publish on the site. Hopefully this will be beneficial to all. They will be selected by her from the 1700 she has written to date. If she write a new one that week, it will be published.