Commentary: Christmas Holidays– and Time for a Break

view From the Front Porch Porch

Commentary: Christmas Holidays– and Time for a Break

Hello Everyone:

This is the Christmas season– the time of joy, giving and time to take a break.  We hope you will be able to do just that–take a break and reflect on God’s blessings– and enjoy your family.

Martha and I hope you have benefited from the Poem Martha posts and the Essay I post each Monday.  We are taking break until the New Year.  We will be posting our annual Christmas poem on the site— and perhaps another thing or two.

So………we wish you a very Merry Christmas. 

May the Lord Bless and Keep You.  May His Face Shine Upon You and Give You Peace.

Your friends, Lynn and Martha Nored

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  1. We will miss hearing from you both. Have a very hapoy holiday with your family & friends. Miss & love ya’ll! Jim & Erma

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