Commentary: Have We Lost the Lessons of the Past?

view From the Front Porch Porch

Have We Lost the Lessons of the Past?

We are well in the midst of the great forgetting. In our churches, young people do not know the old stories of the great men of God of old.  Those who havent been to church know even less about life itself. 

In our universities, the great thinkers of the past are not read.  What college graduate can name them.  The humanities have become a desert concerning Western civilization. Neither poets, great thinkers, nor leaders are any longer taught.  Instead meaningless topics of victim hood and oppressors are ingrained in young minds.

It is evident from what you see currently on the news. Students cannot acknowledge evil- women raped, babies beheaded, pregnant women disemboweled.  

Truth has become false and False has become truth.

The great universal truths of the past are ignored in favor of “self determined” truth. 

How can this civilization survive?  A return To God seems not in the works.

My essay and Martha’s poem are about passing on the great truths of the bible and of our collective heritage.  It is the obligation of all of us granted life in our past culture to “pass it on”  Will you do your part? I hope so.

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  1. This is a serious concern. What you bring up seems to be reflected in Proverbs 3:5-6,
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
    6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.”
    Humans NEED guidance from the Maker’s resource in order to live procuctively and effectively on Earth.

  2. Totally agree with your comments. What is happening in this country is like reading the Old Testament about Israel and then Judah as they fell away from God worshipping idols and conforming to the ways of the surrounding countries. So many from non-believing in God countries have come here, which would be fine if we can teach them to love God and Jesus and serve Him. But the opposite seems to be happening. We must teach them the Bible as well as traditional values, and about correct history and leaders. Would welcome any ideas on how to do this.

    1. Erma,
      Thank you for your comments. Though the influx of Muslims may have some effect over time, but they are not the primary problem. Our problem with the lack of belief in God and the “woke” agenda, starting in the universities, migrated to the Dept of Education first at Columbia, then to nearly all primary universities, then to High School teachers, and is now is now mainstream even with graduates of high school. The university not only indoctrinates students but trains them to be activists. You are seeing this play out. Jews are considered “white supremacist” and colonial usurpers.

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