Commentary: Jews Now. Christians Next?

view From the Front Porch Porch

Jews Now. Christians Next?

One only has to listen to any news cast to hear hatred expressed to the Jews.  Is it going to be any different with bible believing Christians?  I am not talking about any political difference many may have about current events in Israel.  I am talking about persecution based upon race and religious beliefs.

We should know such hatred is against God’s will.  The second greatest commandment is “Love your neighbor as you love yourself. And who did Jesus give as a “neighbor”?  A Smaritan– a “hated” race by Jews. 

Make no mistake.  It may be Jews that are persecuted today, but even today Christians are being increasingly persecution for their religious beliefs.

IF a Christian really adheres to Christian principles and behavior, we are told we will be persecuted.  The essay today asks whether you can persevere and remain true to God as it directly impacts you. 

I fear we all have been so used to avoiding risk and enjoying the benefits of the U.S. of old, that we will not. When we are tried by fire, will we endure?  How prepared are we to suffer humiliation and financial ruin to stand  up for Christ.  It may be we wont truly know the answer until we are subjected to the test.


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1 Comment

  1. This is a poignant reminder. I propose this IF focuses on possibility, not complete certainty as many people understand. More specifically, now, as at the beginning of the Church, many people were severely persecuted, others were not. Since all Christians follow a unique individual
    spiritual journey, many may indeed be persecuted at various levels – several very severe. However, some may not endure such experiences. All Christians need to be ready to follow and defend the principles left by Jesus, IF needed. Thankfully, some may not need to suffer these events.
    Yet, the blood of Christ, not a person’s sufferings, defines a person’s relationship to Christ. Perseverance is badly needed, yet what another sees may only reflect the person’s present point along their spiritual journey; the Holy Spirit is still working on them.

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