Commentary: Misconceptions About the Kingdom, Power, and Politics

view From the Front Porch Porch

Misconceptions About the Kingdom, Power, and Politics

Where is the Kingdom of God?  Is it just that place in “heaven where God reigns? First, the Kingdom of Heaven ( Matthew’s term) or the Kingdom of God is where God rules. Does Christ and God have any rule on earth? Of course they do or else all prayer is in vain.  Certainly, Satan is still at large and tries to undermine that will until Christ delivers the Kingdom to God.

What power does Satan or any earthly ruler have?  As Jesus told Pilate, he had no power at all except what God had granted him.  Whether nations, their rulers, or petty bureaucrats, all have been given power to act either justly or unjustly by God.  He rules all to ultimately enact His will.

Now about politics and those who are citizens of the Kingdom and citizens of this nation, why should one act?.  Some es-cue politics as they believe Christians should have nothing to do with “politics.”  What is politics anyway? Politics is  ” the art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.”  Almost all “political”  questions  involve questions of morality or questions of interactions between people in some way. That is precisely what the practice of following Christ involves.  So, whether you like it or not if you are a Christian you must take a stand on “political questions”. And, silence is a stand.

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