Commentary: President’s Day and Honor

View From the Front Porch Porch

Commentary: President’s Day and Honor

Today is President’s Day.  This day was initially set aside to honor the birthday of George Washington.  It now to also honor all presidents of the United States.  How should Christians view this day?  We are commanded ( not asked to but commanded) to give honor to whom honor is due. Christians were told to pray for the Emperor– at a time when Rome would shortly begin persecution of Christians. So no matter what you think of certain individuals, past or present, the Office of President and its occupant is to be honored– not for unChristian things they might do or might have done, but for the service actually performed.

George Washington was a religious man invoking God’s providence continually. He, as well as other of the Founders, believed our form of government could not survive without a religious and moral underpinning.

Few of our recent Presidents since the 1930’s have been deeply moral individuals.  But, God has and continues to use flawed individuals to exercise His  will.

As our country strays further and further away from the Founder’s ideal of liberty into unconstrained individual freedom, we need to pray that our leaders and the country will find its way back to the moral Christian teaching of the revealed will of God.

Martha’s poem is about both church and country.  My essay details the difference between liberty and freedom.

May God be with you and bless these United States of America

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