Commentary: Shame — Why Should We be Ashamed?

View From the Front Porch Porch

Martha’s Poem this week is entitled “Shame”.  That is shame on America.  The essay is on what we Christians can learn from how political action is accomplished. 

This week we went to see the movie “The Sound of Freedom’–by the same studio of “The Chosen.” It is how we in this country have allowed human trafficing of small children become a $14 billion dollar business.  The intersection of the point of the Poem, Shame, and the essays points are as follows.   Contrary to the dictatorship by Rome in the first century, we live in a Democratic Republic.  As such all of us, Christians and non-Christians have a voice in the priorities and spending in  this country–locally and nationally.  So, how did we allow pedophilia to thrive in this nation?  Not only thrive but for the U.S. to become the largest consumer of this evil practice.

You see the gospel is local.  The great mystery revealed for the first time as related in Eph is the reconciliation of Jews to Gentiles and this both to God.  This redemption story is was given to the church — those saved– to proclaim to the world. Who are the saved in any one place? It is the local congregation. Christ gave gifts to each ( different ones to be sure) so we could use them for works of service. That service is both within and without the church.  So whose responsibility is it to proclaim the evil of this practice? You decide.

The grassroots determine the culture of the local congregation.  What does this mean? It means every day members and leaders who are really active determine whether such evil is made aware of.  Not only that but to encourage speaking out and voting against   allowing such evil in our midst.

Anyone who watches the true story of the federal agent who was so moved he set about to personally form a team to rescue more than 150 children who had been kidnapped and placed in that trade, cannot fail to be emotionally moved.  But emotion is one thing. Action is another.

The first step is making people aware of what is happening in our country–that starts at the local grass roots level.


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