Commentary: The Arrogance of Position and Money/The Naive Response

View From the Front Porch Porch

The Arrogance of Position, Intelligence, and Money: The Populace Response

Two phenomenon amaze me:  The Hubris  and arrogance of the elites to dictate how others are to live and the timid response and acceptance of the populace.  This is nothing new in the world. Most ruling authorities ( whether religious, economic, or political) seek to control others.  This extends to the very thoughts the common person can have.  Some societies over the centuries have experienced no other form.

One only has to look outward to our culture and see these desires today by the elites.  Religion is not immune to these trends.  For centuries the church and state were one and the same and exercised control of the populace.  Even today some religious leaders exercise their positions of power to dictate how one should think and worship.  In governments around the world we see dictates for the common person should not only act.  Refusal means mandatory to re-education sessions ( see current events in Canada).

In our current culture, a person is viewed as having unlimited freedom to define their own morality and nature.  This however, is extended by the elites to the mandatory acceptance of the other person’s definition of what is moral as the “correct view”.  That is, the arrogance extends to the control by the elite of other’s thoughts.

Christians everyone where seem reluctant to speak out against this evil. Yes, it is evil.  Why is this? I suggest the following:

  1. They do not think those in the pulpit should engage in political debates. Yes, abortion, LGBQ and Trans issues are political, but also deeply moral.
  2. Unfortunately, many Christians are just Sunday morning and perhaps Wed night Christian
  3. Many are completely uninformed.

How can we get Christians to awake from their slumber?  Will it take the persecution of Domitian of the first century? By then it will be too late.  Perhaps this is how Christ chastens his people. It happened to those of old. Why not us?

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  1. Many people seek acceptance from others. A large number of people consider engaging in common practices or activities as evidence of sharing common interests or goals a statement of acceptance, indicating a sense of self worth. In many areas, dismissal of desired practices or actions serves as a judgment – the opposite of acceptance. This becomes a free will decision to downplay or totally reject the promoted activity, which may be very close to another person’s sense of self worth. Our self worth needs to depend predominantly on Jesus’ example of the best ways to love God and love others.

  2. We are living in very scary times. I have been shocked at the acceptance of the “new culture ” by Christians. I pray for our grandchildren.

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