Commentary: The Danger of Confusing Christian Mission

view From the Front Porch Porch

The Danger of Confusing the Christian Mission -Especially Today

With the Hamas attack on Israel,  most were appalled at the barbaric atrocities performed on the Jewish people.  All Christians should be—when evil is inflicted on anyone or any people.  At the same time we see college students and even some high schools students leading protests to support the Hamas and condemn Israel.  Why would this be so? Some, rightly see this is the natural result of the ideology that automatically associates wrong and evil behavior to those of white skin.  The critical social justice ideology sees all Israel people as colonial usurpers and as “white supremacists.”

Though Christians should oppose such ideologies, that is NOT the mission of the church.  The mission of the church is something entirely different. The “woke” ideology is one of many Christians have encountered over centuries that is wrong.  In the first century,  it was emperor worship.  We have seen communism, Nazism, fascism, and the rise of atheism, in or own time previous to the Critical Theories embraced today.

In no case was it the mission of the church to devote themselves to combating these ideologies as a primary goal. The mission of the church and of individual Christians is entirely different. That is not to say, these evil ideologies should not be exposed and condemned.

But, Christ did not come for his disciples to fight the Roman Empire. We and His disciples have a far  greater mission.  Do not confuse the mission of the state with that of the church ( read the essay for today for more).

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  1. Thanks Lynn, well put. With the news cycles constantly reminding of this war, it definitely gets us “off track,” including me, at times. But it certainly turns any true disciple of Christ’ stomach at the anguish the victims must be going through. Thanks for reminding us what’s truly important.

  2. Well put, Lynn. It reminds us of what we need to be doing and that’s planting seeds of Jesus in as many people as we can.

  3. Food for thought, prayer, and action as the Spirit may direct us. Thy will Lord, not mine.

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