Commentary: “The Door” and Christian Liberty

view From the Front Porch Porch

"The Door" and Christian Liberty

Temple Grandin was a lady with autism who eventually became a Phd in animal science. Early in life she was deadly afraid of opening or going through “doors.” For so many the door of death is a frightening prospect.  Why is this so?  Perhaps one reason is some live a life of unconstrained freedom.  Then there are those who avoid the “seven deadly sins” but think that they have “freedom” to do anything else in life. Neither of these is the Christian way of living.

The Christian life is not about unconstrained freedom.  It is about “liberty”.  You see freedom from sin enables us to live as Christ would have us too.  His virtues and constraints on our lives are there so that we can truly have a “peace that passes all understanding.”  It is there so there is no fear of opening the door of death to enter the joys of eternity.

Temple Grandin overcame her fear when she realized going through new doors opened up new adventures.

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