Commentary: The Family is ALL

view From the Front Porch Porch

Labor Day weekend was special for Martha and I.  As with many of you, our family is scattered: One in Plano, One with us here but with their daughter in OKC; One in the D,C, area, and one in Mustang, OK. With all the activities, it has become rare for all of us to be together.  Martha and I were married 60 years on June 3; I turned 82 on June 7, and Martha turned 80 on July 4.   All of the kids and extended family came to celebrate these dates.  It was a special time of visiting, remembering, enjoying family and of course plenty of food.

As one nears the door of eternity, family looms  large in memory and reality.  Blood has significance– both here and in the hereafter.  Our human family is tied first by blood and grows stronger with love.  Our spiritual family is tied together by the blood  of Christ through love.

Children do not realize how important it is for parents to be able to share in their lives ( not meddle but know ) until their children are grown, married and away. Then, sometimes it is then too late.  Death in this life can happen in any instant.

We are fortunate to have lived a long and eventful life no matter the moment of eternity.  All of our children are talented with equally gifted children.

We are so grateful our children and grandchildren made time to come and cement a special memory.  If we are fortunate to live longer, this time will echo in the halls of our memory as special moments.   As you age physical activities and interactions typically are greatly diminished.  Memories jolted by pictures become pleasures unparalleled. Note: Family Pictures will be posted when they are available.

Martha’s poems this post are about Family.  My essay is entitled Almost Home

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  1. I’m so glad you got to have all your kids and grandkids with you for this very special time. I really enjoyed reading your essay and Martha’s poem. Always so special! We will see you soon.

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