Commentary: Update on Posting Poems and Essays

view From the Front Porch Porch

Attention: Update on Posting Poems and Essays

We are alive! What a blessing.  What should your actions be as you see the deterioration in our culture and society? How are you to conduct yourself as a Christian in the public square? There are biblical answers to these questions. Hopefully these essays will provide guidance on how to address and conduct himself in the public square. 

Martha and I are resuming the posting of one poem and one essay each Monday morning.  A word about the current theme of this series of essays.  The General Title has been Morality and the Public Square.  You might ask why this theme as this site is not to be political in the sense of endorsing candidates or political parties. That is still true. This site will not endorse any political party or any particular candidate.

 A little reflection about the basis of laws will come to the conclusion that almost all laws have their origin in morality.  Moral conduct for the Christian includes the higher concepts of justice and mercy–i.e. all Christian virtues.  In all affairs, religious or civic, Christians should adhere to these biblical principles.

What is this thing called “political?”  Something “political” is  “the art or science of government”  Government issues laws that determine policy in regard to its citizens. The Christian is a citizen first of the Kingdom of God and secondly as a citizen here of the United States.  What then is his responsibility as a citizen of the state and what is the states responsibility to him?

So far I have addressed theaew issues in  six parts.  The current essay is number seven. 

I have attached with this posting a PDF file that combines all previous essays into one document. It would be beneficial to read them together.

Note: PDF files take a little longer to load on the web site.  If you have a slow Internet connection, please be patient.  The PDF will load, it will just take awhile.

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