Commentary: What Should Christians Do in the Current Climate?

view From the Front Porch Porch

What Should Christians Do in the Current Climate?

There are protests everywhere condemning Jews. The news magazine Salon published an article saying Christians are a greater threat than terrorist.   History is replete with persecution of the Jewish people.  Paul in his epistles state Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs.  So….What should the attitude be towards those who have such violent attitudes towards others? 

What guidance do we have on this from God.  First, we must not do what is so often done:  Classify all protesters and those who write such things in one homogeneous  identity  group.  That is false logic and is wrong.  For example, one can postulate Hamas wishes to eradicate Israel.  Person X is a member of Hamas; Therefore, Person X wishes to eradicate Israel.  This is the same as saying Blackbirds are black.  Bird X is black. Therefore, Bird X is a blackbird.  It might be probable, but that doesn’t make  it. true.  So.. we must not put all members of a particular group as having the same beliefs.

So, what should our attitude be towards all. First, it is our obligation  to share our beliefs in some way.  Some will reject even listening to the gospel.  That is between that person and God.  Only God can change the heart. And, there is a time to “shake the dust from our feet.”

But, what if it is someone who  has no belief in God at all is a “good person”.  What if that person is neither violent towards us and, though doesn’t believe as we do is cordial and accepting of us?  The essay today talks about such a relationship with Scalia  and Ginsberg who, though have totally different beliefs, were the best of friends.

Remember the Good Samaritan?  Who did Jesus say was our neighbor?  We are do love this neighbor as we love ourselves.  Perhaps that love in itself will bring that person to accept God. 

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  1. Lynn, these are great thoughts about leading people towards Jesus, but we must remember, Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

  2. Excellent thoughts for today’s world. We definitely must try to be the “light” to those that disagree with us. And pray & pray!

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