Essay: The Door

view From the Front Porch Porch

The Door--Are You Afraid to Open It?

Do You Know What is Behind the Door?


Jan. 2021

Temple Grandin is an autistic woman. She is presently a Professor of Animal Husbandry at Colorado State University.  Prof. Grandin thinks in pictures. Through her mother’s and her own perseverance, she overcame the obstacles of autism.  Cattle feedlots and slaughterhouses though out the world use her designs.  She is on Time’s list of the 100 most influential people of the century. When young, sliding doors were frightening to her and she was afraid to go through them.  But she learned that one must go through doors to make progress.  Do you know what is behind the door?

Image you are on a road with signs every 10 miles somewhere up in the distance you can see a door.   What is so intriguing is you are told on the other side of the door is a something fabulous— much more wonderful than finding gold or diamonds. The problem is you really cannot tell if the door is near you are somewhere even as far as 100 miles away.  Along the way there are many signs indicating detours that get you to where you want to go at the moment.  They promise an easy ride and unbounded enjoyment at their inns.   You do know you need to get to the door for it will be far better.  Anyway, that door seems to always be moving further away especially during the early miles.  There is a straight road to get there, but since it is always in the future for you, there is no hurry.  Suddenly, before you know it, the door seems to be staring you in the face.

Such is the door to eternity.  Death is that door. All must go through that door. The younger you are the farther away it seems. Life has its detractions.  And yes, it also has its legitimate enjoyments and responsibilities. Legitimate pulls of family and “making a living” require attention.  It is much too easy to get addicted to the consumerism of our society.  After all, we “need” the large mega-mansion, the good clothes, the latest gadgets—especially the perceived control power and money conveys on our lives. The “door” is in the future and “we must live life now.” 

In short, life attractions are for the vices of this world.  The godly virtues require work and a focus on what is behind the door.  Eternity is behind the door.  God and Jesus Christ are behind the door.  Focusing on God and Christ  gives us a selective perception of what road we should be taking.  All of us when young tend to believe the door is somewhere out there in the future.  As one gets older and in the winter of life you see the door clearly.  You know the door is shortly in your imminent future.

In early times in our nation’s history, the door of eternity was ever before one.  The cemetery was located by the church house.  Most everyone attended church regularly.  Even as early as 1860 the life span was only 39 years.  Death came often and there were no modern medicines to alleviate the suffering.  Today, death is banished from our sight—except in the unrealistic features of Hollywood.  Unless one is brought up short by a traumatic near-death experience, either oneself or a loved one, death is always another 10-mile road sign away.


If you know what is behind the door of eternity, you know life here is meant to serve.  Like Temple Grandin you know to progress to something better you must “go through the door.” You also know that following Christ will bestow on you a new body to live in a new heaven and a new earth.  You will be with God and Christ forever.  If you ignore the door of eternity judgment awaits you with its associated result. So dear reader, keep your eye on the door.  You will open it whether you wish to or not.

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