Essay: The Sound of Freedom

view From the Front Porch Porch

The Sound of Freedom


Recently Martha and I went to see the movie “Sound of Freedom.”  “Sound of Freedom is a 2023 action film.  It tells the true story of Tim Ballard a former government agent who embarks on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia.[5] The plot centers around Ballard’s Operation Underground Railroad , an anti-sex trafficking organization. The film was released on July 4, 2023, by Angel Studios, and became a sleeper hit; it has grossed $136 million in the United States against a $14.5 million budget as of July 20th. It received mixed reviews from critics, while audience reception has been highly positive.  The film was first produced in 2018 and Disney Studio shelved it. Angel Studios, who produces The Chosen acquired the film and through media “crowd sourcing” raised enough money to release the film.

Any Christian who can should go see this film.  You will be both appalled and shocked at the truth revealed.  What is reveal is the fact that the ” US Is a Top Destination for Child Sex Trafficking, and It’s Happening in Your Community”-that means ours. (Walters, 2023)My fellow Christians, why is this not a major topic that is disclosed in our congregations?  As the actor who plays Tim Ballard says at the close of the film “making people aware of the problem is the first step.”

It seems Christians are in our own little bubble.  We met with others of like-minded values whether at worship, in our homes, or going out together.  Sometimes it seems we are obvious to what is going on around us. Oh, yes.  We do see some of the moral degradation in our TV programs, news, and movies.  But, that is always “out there.” It certainly couldn’t be happening that near us.

We see the degradation in our society all around us.  We see our individual freedoms being eroded with each progressive ideas being implemented.  We are told our religious views should be a “private matter” with no voice in the public square. How long before we are to bow to the dictates of the state? The state is rapidly advancing to be the “god.” we are to  unquestionably worship.  First century Christians had the Emperor they were to acknowledge as “God.” Forsaking this they were crucified and feed to the beasts in the area.  Will we have that kind of faith and courage?  Our young people are taught to be offended if something is said they do not agree with.  How then can they resist real physical danger for their faith?

The erosion of individual freedoms is danger enough.  But are we aware of the spiritual dangers prevailing today.  Our culture is not just tolerating them, but is actively teaching one must accept them as being the moral high ground.  Resistance is racism or being judgmental.

How often do we have bible classes that touch on the real issues of the day:  divorce (35% in 2023, but ½ that in 2000), Decease in marriage and in traditional families, Living together before marriage, acceptance of gender ideology including LGBQT lifestyles,  lack of emphasis on all vices and promotion of virtues, etc.  I suspect few you people could name very many vices and virtues  as delineated in the bible.

To combat the evils we see we need more spiritual warriors who fight with strength, faith, hope and love. But these battles cannot be fought by intellectual lessons on Sunday mornings. That is a passive exercise.  Lessons needed there, yes.  But, discussions and awareness when away from “church” are required. Remember “we” are the church no matter where we gather.  We may not be able to take as much direct action as Tom Ballard in the movies.  But we can make each other aware  of the problem and support those we can take physical action and support laws and policies that will end the practice.  ( The Sound of Freedom lyrics is on the second page.


Walters, E. (2023, July 25). The US is a Top Destimnation for Child Sex Trafficing . Retrieved from The Daily Signal :


Recently Martha and I went to see the movie “Sound of Freedom.”  “Sound of Freedom is a 2023 action film.  It tells the true story of Tim Ballard a former government agent who embarks on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia.[5] The plot centers around Ballard’s Operation Underground Railroad , an anti-sex trafficking organization. The film was released on July 4, 2023, by Angel Studios, and became a sleeper hit; it has grossed $136 million in the United States against a $14.5 million budget as of July 20th. It received mixed reviews from critics, while audience reception has been highly positive.  The film was first produced in 2018 and Disney Studio shelved it. Angel Studios, who produces The Chosen acquired the film and through medio “crowd sourcing” raised enough money to release the film.

Any Christian who can should go see this film.  You will be both appalled and shocked at the truth revealed.  What is reveal is the fact that the ” US Is a Top Destination for Child Sex Trafficking, and It’s Happening in Your Community”-that means ours. (Walters, 2023)My fellow Christians, why is this not a major topic that is disclosed in our congregations?  As the actor who plays Tim Ballard says at the close of the film “making people aware of the problem is the first step.”

It seems Christians are in our own little bubble.  We met with others of like-minded values whether at worship, in our homes, or going out together.  Sometimes it seems we are obvious to what is going on around us. Oh, yes.  We do see some of the moral degradation in our TV programs, news, and movies.  But, that is always “out there.” It certainly couldn’t be happening that near us.

How often do we have bible classes that touch on the real issues of the day:  divorce (35% in 2023, but ½ that in 2000), Decease in marriage and in traditional families, Living together before marriage, acceptance of gender ideology including LGBQT lifestyles,  lack of emphasis on all vices and promotion of virtues, etc.  I suspect few you people could name very many vices and virtues  as delineated in the bible.

To combat the evils we see we need more spiritual warriors who fight with strength, faith, hope and love. But these battles cannot be fought by intellectual lessons on Sunday mornings. That is a passive exercise.  Lessons needed there, yea.  But, discussions and awareness when away from “church.” Remember “we” are the church no matter where we gather.  We may not be able to take as much direct action as Tom Ballard in the movies.  But we can make each other aware  of the problem and support those we can take physical action and support laws and policies that will end the practice.  ( The Sound of Freedom lyrics is on the second page.


Walters, E. (2023, July 25). The US is a Top Destimnation for Child Sex Trafficing . Retrieved from The Daily Signal :

From the Sound of Freedom Sound Track:

All I’ve ever known
To always keep you close
Holding on to hope
I’m heading towards your glow

Give me strength
Give me strength

My love, my love
I’m fighting to find you
Don’t give up, don’t give up
Soon I’ll be beside you

All my faith to find
My way to the light
All my strength to fight
And open my eyes

Give me strength
Give me strength

My love, my love
I’m fighting to find you
Don’t give up, don’t give up
Soon I’ll be beside you

Find love in a hopeless time
Find hope in the hardest night
The darker the sky
The brighter shines the light
Find faith for the terrified
Find strength, know you’ll survive
The darker the sky
The brighter shines the light

Give me strength to find
My way through the night
Find your peace of mind
I won’t leave you behind




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  1. Many of our citizens have More free time and extra money that they do not use wisely..

  2. Forwarding this email to my usual group of Christian friends. They love your work, and I pray several of them will become followers of yours directly. After all, we want to walk closer to Christ and yoke with him as we work for America. You definitely seem to know the trail to follow.

  3. Did see the film. I was aware of this problem but did not realize how BIG a problem, especially in the US. Heartbreaking! I walked out realizing I haven’t done near enough to fight evil.

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