Essay:“Unlocking the Deeper Meaning of Easter (1 page): “Discovering Hope, Forgiveness, and Purpose in the Resurrection”

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“Discovering Hope, Forgiveness, and Purpose in the Resurrection”

By Lynn S. Nored

March 24, 2024


Do you know the true meaning of “Easter?”  What does the Resurrection really mean?  Is it just the day to celebrate the spring equinox with new life with eggs and flowers as in the ancient origin of Easter?  During the second century of Christianity this typical feast day became associated with the resurrection of Christ. In 325AD the first major church council, the Council of Nicaea, determined that Easter should fall on the Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox. Though we don’t know the exact time Christ was resurrected, that is not the important fact. Rather it is the implications of Christ’s Resurrection that is of paramount significance.

What does the Resurrection show?


  • It shows God is real and Christ is the Son of God. John’s gospel has increasingly significant miracles to show that Christ is the Son of God. This culminated in the Resurrection.
  • It provides hope for this life and the life to come. Christ said He provides for the life that now is and that which is to come.
  • It provides for reconciliation of man to God and Man to Man. The  “mystery” revealed in Ephesians was of the reconciliation of man to God and Jew to Gentiles ( man to man).
  • It provides for forgiveness of sins thorough the grace of God. John tells us the law came by Moses but grace and truth came by Christ
  • It provides for the truth of both spiritual things and how to live. John tells us that not only truth came by Christ, but “light” for living came through  Christ also.  We are to “walk in the light.”
  • It provides for virtues to strive for and vices to avoid. We are to strive to put on explicitly defined virtues and avoid all vices as admonished in Ephesians.  All virtues originate from the love of God and love of neighbor as we love ourselves. This love is a love like Christ who gave his life for us.
  • It gives gifts to each so that each can serve others. Ephesians tells us Christ gave everyone spiritual gifts for works of .  service prepared for each of us.
  • It gives a specific mission for the church and its leaders. Ephesians tells us the mission of the church is to spread the news of the gospel and reconciliation. Leaders are to equip members to use their gifts.
  • It provides for man to have a peace not known previously. Christ in his last discourse to his disciples said he would give his follows a peace not known before.
  • It provides for THE WAY. Finally, the resurrection is the miracle that then provided for THE WAY of life Christians are to live.

In conclusion, a true celebration of Easter has little to do with the actual date of the Resurrection nor with the ancient pagan ritual.  Recognition of the Resurrection of Christ and its implications for THE WAY Christians should live is important.  Though we should do this on each day Christians gather ( typically on our Sunday), any recognition by the world is a valuable lesson for mankind.  THE WAY was the most common designation for Christ followers in the early days of Christianity. The Resurrection reveals the fact we not only have hope and forgiveness, but a definite purpose in life.

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