Morality and the Public Square- Guiding Theological Principles: Conclusion

view From the Front Porch Porch

Morality and the Public Square- Guiding Theological Principles: Conclusion

How Should a Christian go about advocated biblical moral principles in the public square? As previously defined the public square is any area or secular venues where a Christian might engage people or organizations.  This includes the political  processes in our democratic republic.  The Christian should adhere to the following guiding principles:[i]

  • Put the Kingdom of God is First Over Nation: Thought rulers and governments are put in place by God for specific purposes, we are citizens of Heaven first and always.  Never confuse the nation for the Kingdom.  We are in this world, but not of this world.  As Jeremiah said seek the peace and prosperity of the nation as the exiles you are.
  • Choose Theology over Ideology – don’t confuse the two. Also chose God over any particular economic, political, social, or cultural ideology.  Christians can live under any type of rule ( first Christians were under Roman rule) or economic system. Do not let any ideology influence or change your adherence to Godly precepts
  • Choose Christian Witnessing and Demonstrating Good Works Over Political Power: The great temptation is to acquire political power to enact moral changes. That is not the way of Christ.  Christians change society by their good works of service and how they practice Christian principles.  In our democratic republic we have the opportunity from time to time to vote for or against some action that has moral implications. Should we abstain from voting? No we should exercise our citizen right to vote. Our first action is to be a light of the world though our lives.
  • Chose to Influence Rather than Being Influenced: Christians must not yield to the both subtle and sometimes intimidating pressure of the world to conform to their vision of moral concepts. By this means culture tends to change Christian concepts rather than the other way around
  • Choose to Trust God Rather Than to Give in To Fear: Remember God is in charge and set governments and rulers in place as he exercises his Will.  No, the church will not die if your concept of rule does not prevail.  Given over to fear indicates you do trust God to be in charge.


Previous parts of this series of essays have addressed the moral culture today, definitions of Christian morality, navigation both as a citizen in God’s Kingdom and as a citizen in the United States, the duty of Christians to confront evil within and without their fellowship, when and how Christians should “speak truth to power,” the responsibility of the ruling powers, and the Christian’s role in upholding morality in the public square and their responsibility to carry the message of reconciliation. ( See the PDF at the end of this essay to read the combined narrative)

This series is the result of questions others have asked regarding participation in the political processes in our country.  It does not address political parties or individuals. Rather It attempts to put forth biblical principles that Christians should consider when participating in actions in the public square.  There are arguments put worth for not participating in the public square at all ( we are not of this world, corrupting influence, some consider all government evil, etc.) to me these arguments are not persuasive.  Christians ability to influence direct change in our day is totally different than Roman times. Paul did, however, directly use Roman law where appropriate.

Note: It is hopeful this series will be personally helpful to you as  you make you own personal decision on how you will or will not participate in the Public Square.  Each person should be guided by scripture and his own conscience.

[i] Christians and Politics: 5 Principles for Christian Interaction with the Political World (


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