Poem: Challenged

view From the Front Porch Porch


Don’t know what to do with what’s happening in our out of control culture? Read On.

It’s always a challenge

To always serve God.

It’s not always easy—

But, who said it was?


Respect and obey rulers

Though you disagree—

It is God’s plan—

Obey, make God pleased!


Consider your choices.

Examine the fold.

Make your votes count,

Then do what you’re told!


Our taxes are sanctioned—

Though often seem absurd.

Grant Caesar his share—

That’s taught in God’s word!


We all MUST agree—

God’s rule must come first!

He honors earth’s rulers—

Good rulers have worth!


Examine your actions—

Study on your deeds.

God answers prayers,

So, get down on your knees!


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