Poem: Moral Decline

view From the Front Porch Porch

Moral Decline

I am aghast
At what I see
Here in the land
Of the brave and free.

Seems every person
Is glued to their phone.
Parents ignore children–
They feel all alone.

Do they teach morals
And take them to church?
Often a vacuum—
Their children are hurt.

Often neglected
God and His word.
Suddenly they’re grown—
A mess I’ve observed!

Morals MUST be taught.
Start when they’re young.
Everyone’s better
When this message’s begun!

Love God and others
As you love yourself.
God loved us first—
My, what a gift!

Bring up a child
In the way he should go.
Both of you benefit—
That’s better than gold!

Parents are winners
As children grow up.
They’ll care for others—
That’s training, Not luck!

Martha Nored


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1 Comment

  1. I’m thankful to see that my grandchildren are being better parents than we were when we were in our young 20’s. There is always hope!

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