Poem: Older is Smaller

view From the Front Porch Porch

Older is Smaller

Life’s so amazing!

Consider this truth—

It’s full of stages

From babies to youth!


Youth in its heyday

Continue to move

To the next stage—

Maturity to prove.


Scooching up older—

Gray hair now in view.

Became a senior citizen—

Changes what you do!


Suddenly your world’s

Smaller in its scope—

More aches and pains—

Now, that’s no joke!


No nighttime driving—

Just can’t see the road.

Cuts down fellowship.

Friendships erode.


How far to the Doctor?

Do we have a plan?

Can we take a trip

When he’s not on hand?


God’s still in heaven—

He always loves you!

He sent us a savior

And many blessings too.


Though older we grow,

Inside we’re still young.

A trip toward Jesus—

A challenge for some.


God’s will guide us—

Over land and sea.

Just Imagine

How heaven will be!


Martha Nored

November 12, 2023


Join the Conversation


  1. You hit the nail on the head! Growing older is a challenge–but would we choose to change it? Not me! I know where I am going, but I want to wait a little while to make the final stretch of the trip.

  2. Though older we grow,
    Inside we’re still young!
    So true!
    With God as our guide
    Heaven~~~ what a delight!
    Love you! Merry Christmas, sweet friend!

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