Poem: Shame

view From the Front Porch Porch



Shame on you, America.

You should hang your face.

Your morals are atrocious

And your actions a disgrace!


Where are all our heroes,

Our statesmen strong and bold?

Evaporated values

Has stripped us of our goals.


Flashed across the nation

Bedroom escapades.

Guarded words and actions—

It’s really a charade!


Washington’s my hero—

Exemplary action.

Honorable, warm and giving.

A nation’s satisfaction!


A president’s duty—

Hold the standard high.

Desire a life of honor—

Achievable if you try.


America, put on sack cloth,

A rip upon your cloak!

Return to Christian values

Otherwise, we’ll croak!


March 1998

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Poem: Shame

Shame Shame on you, America. You should hang your face. Your morals are atrocious And your actions a disgrace!   Where are all our heroes,