Poem: Truth to Power

view From the Front Porch Porch

Truth to Power

Christians should confront

Sin within the church.—

Holy word requires—

Duty MUST not shirk!


When it comes to power—

Different duties defined.

Some Christians rise up—

Actively inclined!


We are all citizens–

 God, country—Mankind.

God created everything—

Power, government—Time!


Struggles are many—

Dark evil exists.

With rulers—folks in power

Be strong and resist!


Christ defeated evil—

Nailed it to the cross!

God grants ALL power.

Stand up in spite of loss!


Daniel defined evil—

Prayed to God indeed!

Though it was forbidden,

Lion’s den didn’t succeed!


So, examine the powers—

Are they right or wrong?

Ask God for guidance!

Rise up or go along???


Pray for that guidance.

Is sin lurking here?

Trust in God Almighty—

Action without fear.


Martha Nored

April 6, 2024



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