Poem: What is Truth?

view From the Front Porch Porch

What Is Truth?

Sometimes I wonder,

Does truth exist?

Listen to the news—

There’s quite a drift!


One group shouts this—

Others don’t agree.

Really, what’s the truth?

True facts let you see.


All that really matters,

How do you live your life?

Truth is ever searching—

Truth will grant you life!


The Bible reveals truth—

It will set you free!

Trust in God’s word—

Happy you will be!


If you give up truth,

You give up on yourself.

There’s truth in the gospel.

Search there for that help!


Made in God’s image—

Unique in design.

Though all are different,

God wants us to shine!


So search for the truth—

We’re made to discover.

Harmony’s the goal—

So, love one another!


Martha Nored


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  1. I’m glad to see you are still writing! Somewhere along the way, lying seems to have become accepted! So very sad.

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