The Case for Peace and Joy

view From the Front Porch Porch

The Case for Peace and Joy
by Lynn S. Nored
Mar. 2, 2023

Note:  This Essay is being sent again.  There are several new subscribers that did not receive it the first time.  There is SO much evil being promoted in the media that we need to focus more on what brings peace and joy.

It seems our world is in chaos. In our country we are experiencing seemingly unpresented problems. We are emerging from a world-wide pandemic.  “Vaccines” that were reportedly to be effective in keeping one from contracting COVID turned out to be false.  “Lock downs” that were to protect us did not. The results were devastating effects on our school children and small businesses alike.  We are experiencing  inflation not seen in over 40 years.  Though jobs are at present plentiful, workplace participation is at an all time low. We are still experiencing supply line problems in many industries.  The advent of robotics and artificial intelligence in the society will have a profound economic and social impact. Its extent is unknown.


Politically the country is divided. Progressives  openly wish the abolition of our current constitutional system in favor of a socialist utopia.  Conservatives wish some semblance of traditional governance to remain.  A weak U.S. has encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine not once but twice. Our dependence on China for critical technology and medical supplies was exposed by the pandemic.  


Though economic problems are  significant, overwhelming cultural changes are even more profound .t Our society is no longer based on fundamental Judeo-Christian moral values.  Modernism began the transition to a secular society.  Decisions about morality and truth  were based on Nature and science,  not revealed truth.   God was not in the picture. Postmodernism has rejected even the reality of “truth.” The result is the total dependence on the “self” for truth and morality. 


In this vacuum we have the development of Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, and Identify politics. The result is the destruction of the family ( 40% of current births are out-of-wedlock).  Racial conflict is increasing.  Violence in our cities is at an all time high. Biological reality is banished as each person believes he or she can decide to be any “gender” they desire.   Critical Race Theory or “woke” is mandated by the President.  He has ruled Diversity, Equity and Diversity (DEI)be a priority in every government department.  Constitutional concepts of equality are being replaced by “equality of outcomes” dictated by equity.  Major universities and corporations have embraced “woke.” DEI training sessions are mandatory   More disturbing, we see Churches of Christ accepting LGBT into leadership positions.  Same-sex marriage is being accepted.


Where is the peace and joy in all of this?  If your worldview is limited to this material world, there is no peace and little occasion for joy.  If your worldview is transcendent  to this material world, your perspective is entirely different.  This material existence is but a blip in time compared to the eternity of reality.  You understand though evil exists, it will be defeated.  Our real battle is a spiritual one.  The leader of our army is the Savior of the world.  We know the ending. We win. This is an occasion for continual joy.  With this knowledge we have the “peace” Christ, the Savior, promised.

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