Essay: The Coming (and Current) Persecution

view From the Front Porch Porch

The Coming (and Current) Persecution

June 2021-Revised Nov. 2023


June 7, 2023, was my 82nd birthday.  Though growing up without either electricity or running water until in the 8th grade, I have been privileged to have lived in an exceeding free and prosperous period in American history.  Though my generation escaped the deprivation of the Depression and the horrors of World War II, we did experience the cultural upheaval of the 60’s and the Vietnam war.  After this, war was “farmed out” to volunteers.  Thus, society grew to have limited understanding of pain and suffering.  On the contrary, the social order became obsessed with “safety” for themselves and particularly their offspring.  Playgrounds had to be redesigned.  Seatbelts installed. Foods were extensively labeled. Medicines had rigorous trials.  Excessive concern for the environment grew.  Guns were highly regulated.  Guns carried routinely in rural teen’s pickups were banned. 

Society became more urban and mobile.  Technological advances allowed for different connectivity and influences.  Fragmentation and compartmentalization separated families and family life.  Postmodernism was ushered into the university.  Denial of absolute truth and of the bible as the Word of God multiplied even among mainline Christianity.  The United States began to be more secular.  12 % of the population professed no religion in 2003. Just 16 years later it has almost tripled to 34%. The largest increase is among Millennials and Generation Z. 

Over the last two decades three major movements began in the universities and in K-12 education.  Their purpose is to totally change the foundations of society. These movements are:  1) The move to redefine morality by redefining the essence of mankind 2) The move to divide people into victims and oppressors based upon their skin color or “identity” group and 3) The movement to worship the created earth instead of the Creator God. Devout Christians grew complacent with little understanding of how all these changes would affect their religious lives. 

Make no mistake these movements are not just “political” movements that Christians can ignore.  They are ideological systems. Each movement demands not just “acceptance” of those holding these views. They mandate you accept their premises as truth.  For example, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion  training groups  are currently conducting indoctrination sessions in government, in corporations, and in school districts where you are to confess your guilt as an oppressor.  Hate speech laws are already in place in other Western countries where the teaching of Christian morality and even the bible is banned and labeled as hate speech. Social media is already censoring some bible sermons as hate speech   Children are taught that any view other than radical environmentalism with its harsh policies is evil.

Persecution of those that refuse to admit or adhere to these movements is here and is coming in more overt and painful ways.  Laws will be made, and you will have to choose whether to obey or not. Peer pressure will become overwhelming.   Your job and career may demand you accept and even promote these unchristian policies in your workplace.   A more subtle attack will be for you to keep silent as your friends and neighbors express these views.  Ostensively, the excuse will be to not offend them.  In fact, it would be to not chance losing a friend.  Slowly, any sense of moral responsibility is eroded.  Before you know it, your tolerance will have been turned into acceptance.  Then, will the culture be able to distinguish you as a Christian? Or alternately will fear keep you silent as your faith is challenged?

Raised in affluence and safety, will you be able to withstand the onslaught against your faith? I sincerely hope so.  It is time to put on the “whole armor of God.”  You will have to make the decision: “Choose this day whom you will serve.”

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1 Comment

  1. Lynn, you are certainly on target with this essay. We started a group in our church a few years ago called “Godly Citizenship” where we work to inform and enervate Christians across denominations to cooperate in efforts aimed at blunting these “ideological systems” where possible. Last month, Christians willing to speak and live reality rather than faux facts were elected into controlling positions on the school board of Cypress-Fairbanks ISD, the third largest district in Texas. Progress is being made to minimize election fraud and to meet the “what are your pronouns” and “name your gender” groups with science which is compatible with facts and with the Bible. Prayer is extremely important in all we do, but we must use our minds and our voices daily at work and in social settings to accomplish God’s goals in life. Yes, he could do it all alone in an instance, but we are here to love him as he has loved us. He rejoices when we yoke to him and pull where he leads. Do we lose friends? Yes, occasionally. However, many return over time. You bless us with your essays. Thanks,

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