The Meaning of Christmas

view From the Front Porch Porch

If you look at our country today, you see major problems: high inflation, open borders, run away debt, energy and grocery prices” out the roof”, uncivil behavior, increasing division into “tribal enclaves”, political rancor and incompetence, deceasing religious observance. and belief in God.  The solutions put forth are nihilist at their core (destroy everything and build a human utopia).  It seems like a hopeless predicament.


What is the solution? Clearly, man is in a fallen state since the Garden of Eden. Ever since then, man has been enticed to “be like God” and think he can solve these problems.  He cannot.  The real problem is a spiritual crisis.  The solution must be a spiritual based one.


How is a Christian to think about these times.  Christian’s have the solution to live a productive, joyful life in spite of circumstances.   We have what has been lost.  We have hope.  Christ the Savior was born and gives that hope to us and to all the world.  You see, all of these problems stem in some way from man trying to forge the best way to live by himself.   In doing so he has abandoned the principles of living that Christ the Savior provides.   Further, man continually makes mistakes  and “misses the mark” in what God has revealed.  Those “sins” and the resulting true guild are erased by the death burial and resurrection of Christ.


Christians celebrate the birth of Christ generally on Christmas day. That day is hope made flesh.  That hope generates in one “peace.”  You see, it is not up to us to solve all of these “worldly” problems.  That is God’s job.  He is working whether you realize it or not. The victory is assured.


What does this mean for your friends and neighbors?  It means you let the light of hope and Christ’s love shine with them.  When they despair of these worldly problems, you vocalize the hope you have. You have this vision of the real tomorrow.   If they are in need and you can provide, you do so.  Then, one by one, little by little, this attitude of hope and living would become a movement that can change the world–no not a utopia but one that lives a positive productive one in the matters that count.


What you don’t realize is this country in NOT all nihilistic.  Most all wish for better futures. We are the majority.  It matters not whether Christians, Jews or Muslims, whether republicans or democrats all hope for a better future.  It just must be channels in God’s lane.


Lastly, we must be joyful and enthusiastic.  Project love for all– no matter their beliefs.  Love conquers fear– the fear in this life.  Dour, negative comments will not do.  Joy, peace and happiness is attractive.


So, the true meaning of Christmas is Christ became flesh to save the world. Through the Word becoming flesh, we have hope



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