“The Resurrection” as Told by Martha Nored

view From the Front Porch Porch

“The Resurrection” as Told by Martha Nored

Quietness descended over our group like a thick fog in spring.  Laden with spices and heavy hearts, each of us retreated to our own private thoughts as we neared the tomb. It was a time for reflection—Jesus!  What did all of this mean?

Something was new this year.  At the Passover feast Jesus used the bread and wine and told us that it represented His body and blood that was given for us.  At the time we could but ponder what He meant, especially when He said, “This is my blood which is shed for you.”  Blood?  What Blood???

Then we saw Jesus talking with Judas.  It is beyond belief what happened next.  Judas rushed out.  We thought perhaps to buy bread.  Little did we know that he had a dishonest and cheating heart.  Later we learned the real truth about Judas—the rest of the story if you will.

Discussions of who was the greatest erupted between the apostles and was laid to rest by Jesus.  The greatest is the one who serves?? Who ever heard of such?  What a topsy turvy world!  No doubt Pilate and Herod would be amused at that one!

Peter, the rock, was always so sure of himself.  Funny that Jesus could see through his bluster and see the full picture.  Denial– Three times before the cock crowed. Peter declared that he would die first. All of this was before the trial.   Later— A look that pierced his very soul happened with the last denial. A gaze from Jesus brought reality to the scene.  With that look Peter remembered Jesus’ words that he would deny him three times.  Bitter, bitter tears flowed like a swift moving stream.  Peter couldn’t believe what he had just done.

Listening to Jesus makes one ponder what all was meant by His words.  Truly, this was an unusual evening and that was before things really started popping.  What a night!  Indeed, what a horrific night!!

As was his custom, Jesus went to the Gethsemane to pray and enjoy quiet communion with God.  Though some of the disciples joined Him, they quickly fell asleep.  Perhaps the spirit is willing but the body is weak.

What a dreadful agenda awaited Jesus! Though willing to go through the full process of the cross, Jesus sought and needed God’s strength to get through it all.  The apostles were sleeping, Judas on his mission to betray Jesus and time was ticking away on its journey to destiny.  Jesus knew what was coming and the trappings of pain that went with it.  One has to wonder if knowing what was coming made it harder than not.  Yes, it was worth the sacrifice to Him, but the path was difficult. An angel brought strength from God to Jesus. Obviously it was God’s will that Jesus travels the cruel path to the cross.

The thirty pieces of silver jingled merrily in Judas’ purse as he escorted the armed crowd sent by the High Priest and Elders to capture Jesus. Judas knew the place well.  The olive grove was a place visited often by Jesus and his disciples. Betrayal laced the air as the crowd arrived with Judas in the lead. A hush descended over the crowd as Judas, true to his plans, betrayed Jesus with a kiss!

The disciples melted away deserting Jesus in His darkest hour. Even Peter was quick to deny Christ–three times in fact.

A horrific night!  Those same folks who had been arguing with Jesus all week were now searching desperately for any excuse—false or otherwise, to kill him.  What a sham! —Middle of the night meeting searching for any excuse and a daybreak council meeting of the elders, teachers and chief priests. Jews, unable to put anyone to death, delivered Jesus to Pilate who was Prefect for Rome over the Jews. Pilate, though anything but good, displayed more toward justice than the religious leaders of the day. It was evident to Pilate that the religious leaders handed Jesus over to be killed because they were envious of Jesus. Even Pilate’s wife Implored Pilate to have nothing to do with this innocent man. His effort to release Jesus for lack of evidence fell on deaf ears.  The cast was set.  Jesus was going to suffer and die on the cross.  After being beaten, mocked and spat on Jesus arrived at the cross and was placed between the two thieves. 

This story is difficult to understand.  How is it that Jesus could have called ten thousand angels to deliver Him yet chose to die this cruel death?  Uttering a prayer for God to forgive them, for they know not what they are doing, He shortly gave up His life.  It appeared the folks knew what they were doing but Jesus declared otherwise.

Scary–Darkness settled over the land from noon ‘til three.  The earth shook and the curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom as Jesus died calling out, “Eloi, Eloi. Lama sabachthani” meaning, “My God ,My God.  Why have you forsaken me?”   Even some of the holy people who were dead were raised to life and appeared to many. What strange and scary things had happened on that Friday.

Joseph of Arimathea secured Jesus body by permission of Pilate, wrapped Him in linen and laid Him in his new tomb.  A quick job for sure but the Sabbath was upon them and must be observed.

Dawn on the first day of the week arrived as Mary Magdalene and the other Mary carried spices to the tomb.  Another earthquake???  As the earth shook an angel of the Lord rolled back the stone from the tomb.  The chief priests request for a guard at the tomb was granted but God raised Jesus from the dead anyway .The guards were so frightened that they shook and became like dead men.

 Two men in clothes that gleamed like lightening asked the ladies why they sought the living among the dead. The women, though frightened, were encouraged as the angel shared the good news—Jesus is alive!  He has risen!!!  Fear and joy filled their heart as they rushed to tell the disciples. that Jesus had risen. Jesus appeared to the women as well. Saying, “Do not be afraid.  Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”

Could this really be?  Jesus is alive???

Quickly the ladies left to share the good news.  What an event!  Would the disciples believe the good news?

That same day two of the disciples were going to a village called Emmaus. They were discussing all that had happened when unbeknownst to them, Jesus joined in the discussion. Repeating the events of all that had happened, the disciples no doubt were astonished when Jesus began to explain to them what all the scriptures meant concerning Himself.  Later, Jesus revealed himself to them.

Arriving in Galilee where Jesus instructed them to go, the disciples worshiped Him. Joy beyond measure was there in abundance.  Their Savior—The Messiah was alive!  God be praised!!!  But not all of the disciples were there.

Jesus had a message for them; “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.”

 The disciples were fearful of the Jews as they gathered behind locked doors.  Jesus, undeterred by the security, appeared and Breathed on the disciples so they could receive the holy spirit.  Their hands and feet were to be for Jesus.  Jesus was returning to God where he originated. This was God’s plan.  The messaging is up to man from now on to tell the story of Jesus —our Lord and Savior.

Awe, wonder and fear must have been the order of the day as the disciples watched Jesus ascend into Heaven.

Jesus’ message is clear.  We are to be salt and light to this dark world. Jesus told His disciples to “go” and that message applies to us today as well.

Go with God! Proclaim Jesus as Lord and greet Him in Heaven!


Story retold by Martha Nored

January 22, 2016

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  1. Well, that is an interesting reflection and a taseful presentation. Thanks for writing this and thanks for sending it. Weldon Kennedy

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