Commentary: Unleashing the Pulpit

view From the Front Porch Porch

Unleashing the Pulpit

Preachers Critical Role in Addressing Moral Issues Amidst Treats to Religious Freedom and Backlash


All preachers should preach from the pulpit about moral issues. They should base their message on the biblical worldview on Christian’s practice and behavior.  The general population does not, in general, do so. That is true in spite of the fact the majority in the U.S. still proclaim Christianity. Instead the following chart illustrates the decision making of social conservatives. 


Most preachers who occupy the pulpit understand and want to preach on moral issues.  Unfortunately half of them get significant “blow back” from their own congregations.  That is particularly true if the moral issue is at the forefront of political discussion. They have another concern.  The above chart shows that preachers are increasing concerned that their liberty to preach on these issues to their own congregations will be curtailed.

Preachers know they should “obey God rather than men” if laws contradict moral teaching. But intimidation and fear hold many back. 

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  1. This is true, but history repeats, and sometimes in vicious response. The examples of this abound over the centuries, including, Joseph, Jeremiah, Jesus, the Apostles, the Church Fathers, Martin Luther, and more recently Martin Luther King. It seems many people listen to preachers for encouraging remarks, maybe not spiritual remarks or challenges. Several preachers have experienced the “mistake” of placing the desires God stated for millennia in the past, above what the congregation wants to hear.

    1. Gene,
      The “blow back” has been real throughout the centuries. But, how often do you hear preachers actually preaching, not abstractly, on the actual morality issues facing Christians today: creating false images/identity of themselves on social media; saying unkind things to others on social media; in appropriate use of social media by their children; same sex marriage, trans issues; in appropriate viewing of media, living together before marriage….. one could go on and on.

      At the same time where are the practical teachings on pursuing virtues, positive mental thinking, expresing joy, peace, what living THE WAY really means.

  2. We don’t always hear when the smaller churches are, in fact, presenting factual information about these social issues. Within the last couple of years our church in CA had a series of fact studies about what you’re talking about. They were not presented in a condemning way but were taught what the bible teaches, which to me, again, is hate the sin but love the sinner. I’m also aware of a mega church in the Dallas area who has been very outspoken in the pulpit about sin with regard to these social issues. I’m sure there are way too many churches, however, who are caving in to what appears to be the acceptance of sin, and that’s a frightening thing.

  3. True. Tough job and getting tougher. What’s so very sad is that so many young men are shying away from Majoring in ministry because of the stress. Young men need to be encouraged. Thx Lynn

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