What is Heaven Like

view From the Front Porch Porch

What Is Heaven Like?


“What is heaven like?”

The little boy said.

“Are there rainbows

And moonbeams and little toy sleds?


I would take my sled

And play among the stars.

Pretend they are

Mercury, Venus or Mars”.


“What is heaven like?”

The little boy said.

“Do you walk or fly

Or ever go to bed?”


“Ah, my little man,

From what we can tell,

We’ll do a lot of singing

And praising God as well.


Can’t you see us going

Down the streets of gold?

Flying and singing

As the way we go.


There will be no sorrows

Or tears up there.

No scratches or hurts

Like there are down here.”


“What is Heaven like?”

The little boy said.

“Will we be alive

Or lay as still as dead?









Will I see my mommy

And Daddy then?

What about my Granddad

And Uncle Jim?”


“You know we will be different

As we can be.

God has used the spirit

Instead of flesh, you see.


I can only think

We’ll know each other then.

What joy of singing with you

In the chorus band.


Pearly gates will glisten

In the city foursquare.

If to God you listen,

You’ll see them there.”


“What is Heaven like?”

The little boy said.

“Please don’t cost a lot

To enter he plead.”


“We have but to follow

The words he spake

For to freely enter

Through the Pearly gates.


So my little guy,

So often you’ve asked,

“What is Heaven like?

Will we all be passed?”


“You follow the teachings

Of God today

And a home in Heaven

Is yours one day.”


Dec. 29, 1974

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