You May Not Like This: Religious or Not

view From the Front Porch Porch
It is commonly thought by both those who are religious and those who are not that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training by our institutions is changing the minds and hearts of those being trained. That is the belief whether  you are for or against it .  Research by Elizabeth Levy Paluck of Princeton wrote in the 2021 “Annual Review of Psychology they “appear to have little or no long term effects.”  other researcher have wrote that “diversity training is likely the most expensive and least effective diversity program around.” What does this mean for the religious and those not? For the religious it means spending time and effort combating such programs is probably not necessary at all since they are in effective.  The same is true for non-religious and liberals–they are wasting their time as well. For the religious this is good news! The programs are not having their intened effect.  It seems it is much harder for universities and corporations to change hearts and minds.  Why is this true?  The effect of the family and upbringing have far more influence.  Religious people would do far better to concentrate on restoring the necler  family with the corresponding emphasis on Christian virtues and morality.

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